Rakshak Foundation is 501 (c)(3) certified and hence the donations made to Rakshak Foundation are tax exempt. Rakshak Foundation’s EIN # is 71-1033875
Thanks for your kind support.You could donate in following ways.
Suggested Donation $200. This helps us help other people like you through creating awareness.
- If you prefer to donate via Paypal just click on the donate button below:
- If you prefer to make a donation via check, please make your check payable to ‘Rakshak Foundation’ and mail it to:
Rakshak Foundation
2784 Homestead Rd #235
Santa Clara, California
United States 95051
(408) 329-1492
Donations have been used to enable activities like:
a) Maintaining active helpline with several volunteers providing support to people in distress.
b) Providing social networking platform to people in need to get help and support from other members and volunteers.
c) Creating awareness through internet advertisement campaigns.
d) Creating awareness through organizing press conferences and seminars in different parts of the world
e) Creating print material for public consumption to propagate Rakshak’s goal.
f) Representations to several Standing committees in the Parliament to present our well researched material
h) Meeting with authorities and discussing the prevalent social issues