Start a Project

Rakshak foundation works at the grass root level and likes to identify leaders and those who are leaders in making. If you are passionate about improving your neighborhood and would like to start a project, please consider submitting your project proposal to Rakshak. We will work with you to identify the gaps, get you in touch with other people who you may wish to work with. In certain cases, we will provide partial funding to the project too. At Rakshak we consider every project proposal very seriously, that is why we have designed our Project submission form lengthy and detailed. Please fill the following form.

Rakshak Foundation – Project Proposal Form (Members Only)

Your details will not be shared with any other organization.
[gravityform id=8 name=Starta Project title=false]
Note: we advice you to take your time and identify the details of every section separately and the cut and paste the well thought of text.